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Setting people free through the power and authority of Jesus Christ.

What is it

Chainbreakers is an event on the North Leatherhead Recreation ground on 29th June 2019 for anyone who wants to be set free to live the life you were designed for.


Come and hear testimonies from people who have been set free from all kinds of problems and have people pray for you.


We are a group of Christians from churches in Leatherhead and Bookham seeking to improve life for the residents of North Leatherhead.  The group is called 10:10 Men.


What is it?

The Team

Meet the team

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Terry Shepherd

Ice breaker

God gave the vision for the Chainbreakers event to Terry in 2018 and he is the driving force behind the event through his passion and over 25 years experience in making things happen.

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Murray Callander


Iron fist in velvet glove. 100% biased towards action.  Murray loves Jesus, a problem and being told it can't be done!

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Alan White

Drill Sergeant

If you want ducks in a row, Alan is your man.  If you need someone to make sure everything gets done on time, call Alan.


Jenny Moore


Jenny runs B@titude and has been praying unceasingly for the people of North Leatherhead for 20 years.


Mark West

Chief Economist

We can't print money but everyone will be paid and everything will be accounted for because Mark is on it.

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Andrew Bliesner


Andy builds companies that run events.  A God given ability to handle big picture and minute detail at the same time combined with unparalleled commitment to deliver makes Andy our logistics linchpin.

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Kat Moore

Music Maker

God moves when Kat plays.  Nuff said.

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Greg Lynn

Messaging Artist

Greg has put on events in the Albert Hall and Wembley.  Communication is an art and Greg is an artist.


Andy Moulton

Calculated Risk Taker

HSE is a bad word these days but not on this project.  Everything involves risk and Andy has years of experience  making sure its well managed and minimised.

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Sharon Moulton


Feeding 5000?  Call Jesus.  Feeding 500, you need Sharon, and we've got her on the team.

Interested in being part of this?









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